April finished as 8th WV50
Half Marathon
April ran 2nd leg for the Sunderland Harriers Senior B team in a time of 16min 57sec. They were 33rd in Sen category and 73rd overall in the 4-stage
April ran 1st leg for Sunderland Harriers VW45 team J
Need to know if it is 10 mile, 10km, 10 peaks..........?
It was 10 miles
As long as there are athletes there is a need for qualified people to coach them.
Coaches at Sunderland Harriers are all dedicated volunteers, many having come through the competitive athletics ranks, some others finding a niche having accompanied their own children to the club.
All Coaches are trained and licenced by England Athletics at the various levels of expertise and responsibility. To strengthen our Coaching arm, Sunderland Harriers can assist you to obtain coaching qualifications in your chosen discipline to your ideal level and support you in your coaching experience.